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State of Mind

An NS Neuro Spine Blog Page
أكتوبر 22, 2022

Part 2: It’s Ramadan, Think FAST (Suhoor)

This is the most underrated and skipped meal during Ramadan, because of the timing of the meal. It is mostly had between 12 am and before […]
أكتوبر 22, 2022

Part 1: It’s Ramadan, think FAST (Iftar)

With Ramadan nearing, Muslim readers are entering a season of fasting, and we know what this means. An altered dietary plan. This Ramadan season the think […]
أكتوبر 22, 2022

The holistic approach to health

What is Holistic Health? The holistic approach to health includes addressing the following aspects of an individual’s life; emotional, physical, social and spiritual wellbeing. In other […]
أكتوبر 22, 2022

Exercise 101- Why it’s not hard

Do you find yourself being in a rut with work, family and feel like you cannot find a way to be physically active trying to juggle […]
أكتوبر 22, 2022

Portion Control, how does it work?

If you’ve been told in the past to do portion control, and still don’t know what it means or how to go about it. You’re at […]